Converting Red-Colorwork to Appliqué
Taking a Colorwork machine embroidery design and creating an appliqué from it. Using Your Software
All software programs have the same commands but they may not look the same from program to program.
If you have edited any designs you are ready to do this as well.
Edit Point
The EDIT Point Tool will allow you to move the lines if you have not copied the design on line.
The ZOOM Tool will allow you to move in close to use the Edit Point Tool
The Outline Tool will allow you to draw along the outside of a line and that will be a foundation for your appliqué.
When outlining the separate sections of your colorwork make the thread different colors and place them in the color lineup before the outline of the original. See positions 1 and 2.
The red line and the blue line will be the foundation stitch for appliqué pieces. After we have all the areas outlined we will create an exact copy for the over stitch on appliqué areas.
(Note that the line in red does not line up with the blue one.)
You can be very general with the outline and then spend the time on lining the lines up later.
I have taken the general line and moved it into position leaving the tip of the tail out so I can make it another fabric.
My software allows me to add a square just by clicking on the line. Yours may require you to click on an add tool for this.
I use Sewing Order/Color to move the stitch order around so that it will stitch out right.
As you can see the lion is in the last position. This is where you move it towards the beginning so that the appliqué can be stitched before the final outlines.
Take the red line and make it match up with the blue one.
The Order of Stitch out
The following slides show you in what order the stitches will be stitched out.
Tree trunks
Tree foliage
Lion body
Lion muzzle
Tail tip
The last appliqué will be the eyes before the original stitch out begins.
The appliqué stitch out
Silk Appliqué on Silk Pillow Bird
Deerskin Lion On Pillow
Original design purchased on Sew Swell Designs web page.
artwork by Sew Swell Designs