Monday, November 12, 2012

Fingerless Gloves and Wristers

Well I now knit.  I have been working on learning to knit.  By hand and by machine.

Here is the machine just out of the box.  The Silver Reed Card-O-Matic is a nice machine.  My sister Barbee gave me this some 25 years ago.

My mother-in-law gave me another machine with Ribber attachment and I have them both up and running.  I am ready to teach my Grandchildren to machine knit as well as hand knitting.

 So this what I have done with it.  I went to the local Goodwill and purchased an old broken down treadle machine that was rusted and the drawers were mostly gone.   After attaching a piece of wood the right size I mounted the machine to the old sewing machine frame.  A few cup hooks and the accessories were attached on the front for easy access.

Then the job of collecting a stash of yarns.  I had some in the attic that I used for crocheting years ago.  The rest I have purchased at Goodwill and thrift shops as well as getting new more modern yarns.  I have also been spinning yarns on the drop spindle and my Traditional Wheel.  I spent the summer spinning and dying yarns from wool fibers.

Now I like making small knitted items such as Wristers and fingerless gloves.  I have several pairs of these gloves at the Latimer Quilt and Textile Center

The following ones are here at home ready for sale.

Wristers              Item #001    $15.00
Fingerless Gloves Item #002 $15.00

Fingerless Gloves Item #003 $15.00
 Fingerless Gloves Item #004 $15.00
 Fingerless Gloves Item #005 $15.00
 Fingerless Gloves Item #006 $15.00
 Fingerless Gloves Item #007 $15.00
Wool Fingerless Gloves Item #008 $20.00
 Fingerless Gloves Item #009 $15.00
 Fingerless Gloves Item #010 $15.00
 Fingerless Gloves Item #011 $15.00
 Fingerless Gloves Item #012 $15.00
 Fingerless Gloves Item #013 $15.00
 Wristers              Item #014    $15.00