Sunday, August 04, 2013

Weaving Loom setup

Setting up my 4 harness table top weaving loom.

To begin with I am still waiting for the warping board to be finished.  I laid out the threads on my floor.  When I laid my family/dinning room floor I used 12" tiles.

Warp 60 2.5 yard threads each of 2 colors.  I am using thrift store finds.  The wonderful cotten thread for making potholders.

I make them 5 yds each strand and fold them over to create 2 strands of 2.5 yrds.  Loop this and 5 more strands over the back bar. This will give you 12 strands to thread through the huddle and reed.

 Here you can see how I have laid the strands up.
At this point I have taken the first half of the strands through the huddles and reed and am working on the last half.

This is the front view of the first half of threading the strands.

Pulling the strand through the reed.

Preparing the strands for the process of threading them through.  At this point I will show you how I keep things organized.  The above photo shows the strands through the huddles but not yet through the reed.

A close up of this step shows that I am ready to thread the first strand of the second half of the set.
I have started with the last strand and looped it over the huddle bar control for that strand.  I do this all the way over to the next strand needed in threading the ree.

Here I am showing you that I check to see if I have all the threads threaded in order.  I put the 1st and 3rd harness in the down position and my seperator bar is free of any crossed strands.

I hope this will help you in working with the 4 harness loom.


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